Scientists first noticed that there was something in the study that compared two similar groups: transit drivers who sit most of the day, and drivers or guards who do not. Although their diets and lifestyles were much the same, those who sat were about twice as likely to have heart disease as those who did.
It can shorten your life
You’re more likely to die from any cause earlier if you sit for a long time. It doesn’t help if you exercise or don’t exercise every day. Of course, this isn’t an excuse to skip the gym. If you do, your time may be even shorter.
Dementia is more likely
If you’re sitting too much, your brain might look just like someone with dementia. Sitting also increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, all of which play a role in your condition. Moving around the clock can help you do more than exercise to lower your risk of all these health problems.
You’ll Undo All That Exercise
The effects of too much sitting are difficult to counteract with exercise. Even though you work 7 hours a week — much more than the suggested 2-3 hours — you can’t reverse the effect of sitting 7 hours a day. Don’t throw away all that hard work in the gym by hitting the couch for the majority of the day.
Your Odds of Diabetes Rise
Oh yeah, all of you are more likely to have it, as well, if you’re going to sit around all day. And it’s not just because you burn fewer calories. It’s the actual sitting that seems to be doing it. It’s not clear why, but doctors think sitting can change the way your body reacts to insulin, a hormone that helps it burn sugar and carbs for energy.
You Could Get DVT
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a clot which constructs in your leg, always because you’ve been sitting for too long. It can also be serious if the clot breaks free and cabins in your lungs. You may realize swelling and pain, but some people have no symptoms. That’s why it’s a good idea to set away from long sitting sessions
You’ll Gain Weight
Do you watch a lot of TV? Browse the web for hours to the end? You are more likely to be obese or overweight. If you workout every day, that’s a good thing, but it’s not going to make a huge extra-weight dent that you gain as a result of too much screen time.
Your Anxiety Might Spike
It could be that you are often on your own and engaged in a screen-based activity. When that disturbs your sleep, you can get even more anxious about it. Plus, too much time alone can make you withdraw from friends and loved ones, which is linked to social anxiety. Scientists are still trying to find out the exact cause.
It Wrecks Your Back
The sitting position puts a lot of stress on your back muscles, neck, and spine. It’s worse if you’re slouching. Look for an ergonomic chair — that means it’s going to be the right height to support your back in the right spots. But remember: no matter how comfortable you are, your back is still not going to like a long sitting session. Having a durable multi monitor stand is also a big factor to your comfortable working routine.
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