Mountain hiking is a tough activity.
You’re spending hours in rough terrain hauling baggage around. This can get dangerous, especially if you get injured.
So you need “safety measures” before setting out.
Today, we’ll help you with that. We’ll mention 5 survival items to take along. For more explained list you can visit
Pack them before you go, and enjoy your trip!
#1–Mini Water Filtration System.
Let’s say you get lost for a few days…
You need to drink water. And in nature, the water is likely contaminated (unless you’re near a river).
So what do you do?
Use a Filter.
A water filtration system is a literal life saver.
If your water supply runs out, you can clean nature’s water. You can drink without risking infection or disease.
Here – you don’t need to carry anything large. A small filter will do.
Water filters obviously get clogged over time.
Make sure you pick a water filter with a high capacity. That is, it should efficiently clear up to 50,000 gallons of water.
Obviously, this means it lasts months (even though you won’t get lost for that long). But still, better safe than sorry!
#2–First Aid Kit.
Needed for obvious reasons.
What if you cut or scrap yourself? Even worse, what if you fall and open up a large wound?
When hiking, injuries need a quick treatment. You need to cleanse the wound and “close it” as fast as possible.
This is where a first aid kit helps.
It gives you access to “damage control” that is otherwise many miles away…
A Scenario.
Let’s say you get lost hiking. And you sprain an ankle.
Maybe the nearest road is a few miles away. And you’ll need to “limp” all the way there, just to hitch a taxi.
So what’s best? Limping there without quick treatment? Or wrapping up before setting off?
We think the answer to that is obvious…
#3–A Machete.
This tip is only for hardcore hikers – that is, ones who head out to dangerous locations.
Maybe you’re in real wilderness. That is, you’re exploring a location that’s unmaintained. And you’re setting out “many miles away.”
If so–take a weapon along.
It helps if you encounter a predator. Plus, it helps if you find plants that are considered irritants (poison Ivy).
Make sure it’s legal.
Some places forbid you use a machete. After all, it may ruin the view of a hiking spot…
Also, you might be tearing down otherwise protected species. So you might have to pay a fine here.
And this is why we stress this measure to “hardcore explorers” only.
#4–Head Lamp.
You’ll need it, just in case your hiking extends into the night.
After all, maybe that’s when you hike. In that case, don’t expect to find many streetlights where you’re heading.
However, even if you only day hike, take one with you – just in case.
Ask yourself, what if you get lost? What if your arrival back home gets delayed?
Won’t you get in trouble? Aren’t you ending up in a position where you’re lost in the dark, with no vision?
This is an extremely dangerous situation to be in.
So just in case, take a head lamp with you. And don’t forget to pack a sufficient amount of batteries too!
Know how to light fire using stones?
If not, just bring a lighter along. They save you time and trouble. And you’ll need them, especially to cook catch.
How So?
Let’s say you catch fish for food. You’ll need to cook it, right?
So how do you start a fire for that (without wasting time)? You do so using a lighter.
Or let’s think of rescue situations…
Maybe you’re lost, and you need to start a “fire signal” for someone to show. What’s the fastest way to do so?
The answer is, collect some dry wood, and start a fire.
Rescuing and Food.
Both are life savers – and they’re made easier using a lighter
However, note that you’ll need to find a “good model first.” You need a lighter that lasts long and doesn’t malfunction.
Not only restricted to these five things, you will still need some life saving survival things during mountain hiking like satellite phones, navigation tools such as a map & compass, weather appropriate clothing, and medicines to enjoy your trip safely.