Is your brand on the internet? There are 4 billion active monthly users on the web, with over 3.3 billion who are interested in brand activity online. The internet is quickly becoming the next big business platform, with websites increasingly becoming popular for brands. As internet connectivity increases around the world, more people are making purchases, carrying out product research and seeking customer service from their favorite brands through social media and directly through the brand websites.
WordPress is the premier platform for brands, with a marked increase in the number of companies and businesses using the platform to set up their websites. It is also very popular among other internet users, featuring about one third of all websites on the internet. The platform builder can be a great option for your business. Here’s why you should consider setting up a website.
No additional expenses
Installing and configuring your WordPress site is free, and can be done in a matter of minutes. You will have control over every aspect of your website, and are free to choose between a number of free and premium options. Whether it is your website’s hosting provider or the themes and plugins, you can get your website set up and operational without incurring any additional expenses. If you have a limited expense allocation for online marketing, WordPress is the best platform to consider. You will only be required to pay for your website’s domain, which can be as low as $2 over the course of a year.
It is easy to set up and use
Even if you do not have the technical skill to code, you can set up your WordPress site without any help. It will only take a few minutes, since it offers an easy one-click installation process. You could also set up your themes and plugins within minutes of installation and have your business website ready to use. The platform is relatively easy to understand, but you should consider looking through a few tutorials to make the process even easier. If you are looking for a lot of detail, you should consider hiring out the setup and optimization services to help you get the best website available. The range of services can also be extended to improving security and monitoring analytics.
It allows you to track analytics
The internet is a great marketing tool because it allows brands to keep up with interested users on a personal level. You will engage with your followers by having a website and dedicated social media pages. Tracking analytics helps to explore these and other user interaction metrics that could help improve the performance of your brand and improve customer satisfaction, which will raise your overall SEO ranking as well. Analytics help you understand which types of content users are likely to enjoy, as well as how they may react to different posts and products. you will be better able to design more successful campaigns and create an enjoyable website by using analytic tools. It will have a positive impact on brand growth, which could translate to a higher ability to meet your business goals.
It is scalable
WordPress is compatible with a variety of website types. This is key to its high popularity, since users can choose from a variety of options. Whether you are interested in a personal blog, a social media, a topic forum, a search-based platform, an ecommerce website or a simple page with a live counter, WordPress is the site for you. Its scalability combines well with the versatility in terms of multimedia support. You can upload different types of content on the platform, whether textual, audio or visual, depending on the interests of your followers. You will be better able to connect with them by sharing content that they are more likely to enjoy. WordPress also allows you to embed links instead of posting actual content, which can help you avoid infringing copyright while maintaining an active page which features the best content from other sources.
It allows different administrative levels
If you have little technical skill or have opted to delegate the functions for your website, you could end up losing out administrative access to other people. Unlike malicious attackers who can have their access easily revoked, hostile takeovers of your website could permanently lock you out. This is a major problem for users across certain platforms. On WordPress, you need not worry about malicious partners locking you out of your own site. There is an administrative structure, which protects the owner from loss of control of their website even if other persons are tasked with managing and controlling different aspects of the website. With its super-administrator capability, WordPress will help secure your brand’s identity on the internet.
It saves backups
Losing data is a great risk for websites. Whether as the effect of malicious attacks or accidental loss through deletion and the effects of updating your site, you could lose all your content on any platform. Unlike others, which may not offer a solution to the loss, WordPress allows you to save backups for all your posts and configuration details. You will be able to access your content, as well as themes and plugins used. Even when you do not have backups, you can still get your content through drafts, which are saved regularly for each post. You may need to install a plugin for your backup, and could be required to use the same one during recovery.
Final word
WordPress has a number of features that will help you boost your brand presence online, which could increase your visibility on the biggest marketing avenue available today. If you are not sure how to set up and operate your website, and are wary about getting it wrong the first time around, you should consider looking through WordPress forums and tutorials available online to help you get a feel of the platform before setting up your site.