Most motorists know that some of the most common contributing factors in car accidents include distracted driving, driving while under the influence of alcohol, speeding, and driving recklessly. There are several other factors that are less common but shouldn’t be ignored by motorists because the accidents can result in severe injuries and even fatalities. So for the personal injury attorney you should visit for a perfect advice.
Bad Weather
The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that every yearabout 20 percent of accidents are related to bad weather conditions. While many motorists are well aware that rain and snow-covered roads can be problematic, fog, crosswinds, and other debris can affect roadway safety.
According to the Virginia Beach personal injury lawyers at SRGS Law, bad weather can interfere with how well a motorist is able to drive on the road, but the risk of an accident may also be dependent on how safely motorists operate their vehicles in bad weather.
St. Louis Pedestrian accident lawyer, Brent A. Sumner says that about 5,000 pedestrians are killed in accidents involving a motorist every year. Many pedestrian accidents occur due to a motorist error, but sometimes there’s a confusion about a pedestrian right-of-way or both pedestrians and motorists are inattentive.
The best way to avoid being in a pedestrian accident is to pay attention to pedestrians, whether they are crossing the street in a crosswalk or not, and if you are a pedestrian, always be aware of nearby motorists.
Drowsy Driving
Although drowsy driving is becoming more recognized as a significant contributor to car accidents it can be difficult to know how frequently it plays a role in accidents due to underreporting.
Preventing yourself from getting a good night’s sleep, even just a few times a month, can affect your performance behind the wheel. With Daylight Savings, car accidents involving a drowsy driver are even more prevalent.
Failure to Maintain Your Vehicle
According to Ronald Jebaily, a truck and car accident lawyer, car accidents are one of the leading causes of personal injury, and even though many motorists know about the common causes of an accident, they may not consider their own vehicles.
Do you ignore the check engine light, wait too long to change the headlight, or skip a tire rotation? Failing to maintain your vehicle can cause it to break down or even make you lose control while you’re behind the wheel. You may never know when (or if) your car will stop working properly, that’s why it’s always important to keep up with your maintenance.
Depending on where you live, you might find wildlife such as deer or other small animals crossing the road when you’re driving. While you can’t predict when an animal might jump out in front of your vehicle, you should always be on the lookout, particularly at dusk or after dark.
It may be second nature to swerve or slam on the brakes, but always be aware of the other motorists around you before you decide to take such actions.
These are just a few hazards you need to be aware of that could cause you to get into a crash. As Bennett Schiller, a South Carolina truck accident attorney explains, the best thing you can do when driving is to stay aware of your surroundings and be on the defensive. You never know what unexpected hazard may occur, so make sure you’re ready to take action to stay safe.