Converting files is an essential part of transmitting and exchanging information. One particularly popular format switch is from JPG— commonly used for photographs –to PDF—which is something of an ‘international language’ for files.
What is JPG?
JPG is a file extension for a lossy graphics file and can be used interchangeably with the similar JPEG. The latter stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. These are the people responsible for creating the standard.
There are two sub-formats. JPG/JIF – commonly found on the Internet, such as Google Images, and JPG/Exif, which you may recognize from using photographic equipment such as a digital camera.
Put simply; JPEG specifies the codec. This helps to define the compression of an image into a stream of bytes, before being decompressed and turning back into an image. The most common formats in which compressed images are exchanged is JIF or Exif.
Digital editing software most commonly opens JPG and JPEG files, and this can be as simple as Microsoft Paint, or as experienced as Adobe Photoshop. It can be tricky to find the correct program to use. This is why many people prefer to convert their files.
What is PDF?
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. Developed by Adobe in the 1990s; this is a handy file format. It is most commonly used to present documents, such as text formatting and images.
One of the strengths of PDF is its versatility. The format can work independent of hardware, software, or operating system, making it an easy way to exchange and transfer files. Whether you favor Mac or Windows, have an ancient relic or the latest laptop, you will be able to receive, open and view a PDF.
Another critical feature of the PDF format is the ability to add an electronic signature. This addition can speed up all sorts of business transactions and processes and ensures an electronic record of the agreement. PDF files can also be password protected to provide maximum security and may be created to meet a number of accessibility standards.
Overall, PDF files are far easier to work with than JPG/JPEG. Users of all kinds can easily edit, sign and transfer files, and they offer far more flexibility and freedom.
How Can I Convert JPG to PDF?
There are all sorts of complicated ways to convert JPG to PDF, but the good news is that you don’t need to know any of them. There are online tools that can do all the hard work for you.
The process is simple. You can upload your JPG, click the ‘convert’ feature, and save or download the converted file. Many sites even have security protocols to ensure the safety of your data. All files are removed permanently from the server within one hour of conversion.
This process is the easiest way to create high-quality, useable PDFs, and make sending and receiving essential documents a much simpler process.