While you have your student loan, and maybe even some additional support while you’re in college to help you pay for your accommodation and general living costs, it’s becoming more necessary to get a job to help pay some of the bills. Getting a job through college may seem difficult at first, as you need to balance your studies and your work, so we’ve put together this list of job ideas to earn some extra money as a student. If you need more ideas on how you can save and manage your money as a student, be sure to check out the Education Loan Finance Company, which has a great bank of resources to help you manage your money more effectively.
One of the most important things when looking for a job as a student is to try to find a job that has flexible working hours so that you can go into your classes through the day and get all of your assignments done. Being a nanny is an excellent option as you’ll most likely only have to work several days a week and will be able to organize your college work around it. Nannies can charge around $12-13 per hour, and also give you extra skills and proof that you can be responsible.
Admin executive
An office job might not always seem like the most exciting work out there, but as a student, it can be a great way to gain some real experience in the workplace and earn a salary. Office jobs are great for a few reasons, including the chance to meet new people and the option for part-time work around your schedule. You’ll also get the opportunity to meet people further on in their careers, which means you can start building up your network and ask people 5-10 years ahead of you what mistakes they made and what you could do better.
Bar/restaurant work
This is probably the most common type of work for a college student, but it’s also for a reason. Bar and restaurant jobs will generally have you working later shifts, meaning you can spend your days working on any assignments you have, and then work the evenings. Also, these jobs have good potential for tips depending on the establishment, meaning you could earn a good wage if you’re good at your job.
As you’re already spending most of your day learning, it makes sense to put some of this to good use and teach others. In your later years, you can begin tutoring new students and helping them with their college work. Meanwhile, if you want to work with younger students, you can try working with a local high school and teach anyone up to the age of 18. This will give you a chance to solidify the basics if you tutor in your college, as well as make friends with other people with similar interests.