So, you’ve just had a baby. Congratulations! Your life has just undergone a dramatic change. You’ve traded your nights out for nights in trying to get your little one on a regular schedule. You used to only put the trendiest decorations up in your house, and now you’re preoccupied with childproofing your home. You’ve gone from dramatic day to night wardrobe changes to wondering if you’ve changed your shirt this week. This is what’s known as the “new parent makeover”. You’re still you, of course, just a little more tired and a lot more busy.
But what does a newborn mean in terms of your travel bucket list? You might think you’re stuck at home because when you’re out and about, your son or daughter has quite a few necessary essentials: diapers, wipes, burping cloths, breast milk – the list could go on. However, don’t let your new son or daughter stop you from exploring, make them a part of your adventure!
You can still make your traveling dreams come true with a newborn – it just takes a little extra preparation and care. Here are some of the best tips for traveling with your little one.
Feed Before Take-Off and During Landing
It’s your first trip with your baby, you’re at the airport. How do you keep your little one calm? One of the best tricks in the book is to feed your baby before take-off and during landing. This is a great strategy for making sure the baby is relaxed, full, and distracted during the loudest parts of the flight.
Know Your Rights When it Comes to Breast Milk
You are allowed to bring more than the standard amount of liquid onto a plane because breastmilk is considered a medically necessary liquid. Just make sure you declare it before the screening process begins with the TSA.
In addition, a diaper bag is considered a personal item not a carry-on, so don’t feel like you have to go minimal.
Bring Your Baby’s Birth Certificate
Most airlines require you to prove your baby is under two years of age. Get a Shinolapassport holder to keep your baby’s birth certificate safe from pick pockets.
Don’t Forget a Travel Crib
Having your own travel crib is great for a multitude of reasons, one of them is that you don’t have to worry about renting a crib once you get to your destination. A great choice is this Lotus travel crib which comes with a convenient carrying case for easy travel through airports.
The comforting smell and feel of her familiar crib will help your baby adjust to her new surroundings. And again, it’s one less thing you have to worry about once you reach your travel destination. That kind of peace-of-mind is priceless as a parent!
Buy Them a Seat
If you’re about to embark on a longer flight, it will be more comfortable for everyone if you buy your son or daughter a ticket, so you can bring along a car seat. In addition, if your baby has his or her own seat that means your little one gets a checked bag and personal item allotment as well.
Don’t Pre-Board
This might seem contradictory but it’s hard to deal with a fussy newborn when you have nowhere to go. If you’re traveling with a partner, allow them to pre-board and you can meet them closer to take-off on the plane so you have time to soothe your baby and walk around before the plane takes off.
Don’t be Embarrassed by Your Fussy Child
You have a baby – sometimes babies cry and we don’t always know why. They could be fed, perfectly content but for one reason or another, they start crying. Don’t panic and start apologizing to everyone. Why? Most people on the flight are parents or grandparents or at the very least, have a basic understanding that all babies cry. Before you start getting embarrassed, remember, a baby crying is natural and airplanes are rife with scary sounds that can cause that. Hey, you’re doing your best!
This is just one of many firsts your baby will go through, so give yourself a break and relax.