Door knobs come with different designs, styles, colors, and function making it fancier to look at than the ordinary locks we are familiar with. Well, who doesn’t want to accessorize their doors by using door knobs that have an exceptional design? Door knobs are commonly used in houses for interior doors such as the door for bedrooms, closets, and bathrooms. Just imagine your bathroom door using a padlock, I think that’s not a normal thing to see. It’s also used for exterior doors by some houses and establishments but due to security purposes, only a few are using door knobs for outside doors.
If you have tried to observe your door knobs at home or maybe on one of the establishments you visited it looks great looking at it that you can effortlessly turn it when opening the door. Door knobs are more convenient to use, you can easily lock and unlock it, right? In our mind, door knobs work easily but changing door knobs might be a little bit complicated to deal with. Instances are leading us to change or replace our door knobs and the complication starts here. It may look confusing and difficult to install door knob especially if you don’t have a background about it. But, I’m telling you there is an easy way on how to replace door knobs.
What to prepare first?
Before you could start, prepare a screwdriver, measuring tool and a new set of door knobs. I’m sure the screwdriver and measuring tool can be found at your storage rooms in your house. So, go and search for it if you haven’t you can always borrow it from your neighbor or friend. For the door knob, if you don’t have an extra at home, go to the nearest grocery store or merchandize shop because they surely have stock there. Be sure that you know the size and structure of the door knob that will match the one you are formerly using to avoid buying the wrong one. To perfectly get the measurement, use your measuring tool and list the data. Or, you can bring with you the old door knob in the store and show it to the staff to help you get a new one that matches the old one.
Now, after preparing the materials to get ready to start replacing your door knob with a new one. Below are simple ways that you can use and follow to help you in replacing door knobs.
1. Remove the screws
Now, you can finally use the screwdriver to easily remove the screws from the interior side of the door. Removing the screws will help you to be able to pull off both knobs on the side of the door. Also, be sure to keep the screws because you can use it in the future in case you need it for replacing loose or old screws.
2. Remove the latch palate
After successfully removing the knobs on both sides of the door, the next thing to do is remove the latch plate. The latch is located on the edge of the door and to pull out the latch you should also remove the screws that are holding it.
3. Pull out the latch and replace it with a new one
The latch plate can now be removed and be replaced with a new one. Before inserting the new latch plate use a measuring tape or any measuring tool to check if the new one matches the right size. This helps in making sure that everything is good to avoid using a mismatched latch causing the door knob not to function properly.
4. Insert the new latch
If it matches the right side of the latch plate, insert it in the door hole. And, before finally securing the new latch with screws make sure that the jamb of the door must be faced by the flat side of the latch to be able to close the door successfully without difficulty. Also, new latches are expected to be a set that the screw comes with it when you buy one so make sure that it’s complete before purchasing. You don’t have to buy new screws for it because sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect match for the design.
5. Be ready to install the new door knob
Since you have your new latch installed you can now install the door knob for the exterior door then to the interior door. Then you can now secure it with screws on the interior side of the door. Most door knobs have two screws attached in the top and bottom. Some have more screws but it depends on the design of the door knob.
6. Test the new door knob
After installing and attaching every part of the door knob, you can now test if the door knob is working properly. Check it more than once and test the door handles because the screws might not be tightly attached making it lose or the screws are so tight, with that you can make some adjustments. The latch should slide easily and not having difficulty in opening and closing the door. If everything is fine then there you are! You now finally have a new door knob.
7. Refinish the entire door
While installing the new door knobs there might be few scratches and stains that need to be fixed by repainting it. Do some finishing touches to make your door completely look new along with the newly installed door knob.
Door knobs aren’t just created to make our door look fancy and somewhat leave an impression but it’s to keep houses and establishment well secured. That’s why in replacing door knobs make sure to get the right side of the door knob and latch plate that matches the existing door hole. The screws must be tightly attached in the right part of the door knob and latch plate to make it well installed and secured. Isn’t it the steps very easy to follow, anyone with or without experience can easily follow the process. You just need a few pieces of equipment to replace your door knob. Looking at the process it’s not a hassle for your part because it will only take you minutes to finish the process.
To find out more, visit Speedy Locksmith.