It is estimated that 45% of the adult population snores. Snoring is not a good thing for very many reasons. It is distracting to both the person snoring as well as those who may be sleeping with them. If you suffer from this condition, it may also be unfortunate that you have to get distracted at night and sometimes wake up to the sounds of your own snoring and as such, getting good sleep may be very difficult.
However, there are a variety of reasons why people snore and there are also very many remedies to them as well. If the snoring persists and you don’t know how to control it, a visit to the doctor may necessary so that they can advise on the best way to deal with the condition. With that said, here are our top remedies to help you stop snoring.
Consider changing your sleeping position
The reason why people snore is that the tongue and the soft palates for back to the wall of the throat, thus interfering with the smooth flow of air. There are very many reasons why this may happen at night when somebody is sleeping. However, the most common reason for this is due to the sleeping position.
If you don’t position the head correctly, the tongue may fall back and block the airways. Therefore, the first thing you should check into if you normally snore is to simply consider your sleeping position. Sleep in a manner that your tongue is not likely to fall back. A sleeping position such as lying on the back with the head facing the ceiling is one way to make this happened. As such, you may try to consider sleeping on the sides or lying flat on your stomach.
Lose weight
Sometimes losing weight may be necessary as a remedy for stopping snoring. However, this does not mean that only people with a lot of weight snore. Everyone can snore, including those who don’t have much weight. If you have gained weight especially around the neck region, it is possible that the extra weight may press against your throat into the airwaves and constrict the flow of air at night making it difficult for you to breath, leading to snoring. Therefore, as a simple way to stop snoring, just put your way on a check. This will come with other health benefits and not just helping me to stop snoring alone.
Don’t drink alcohol before going to bed
They are very many reasons why you should not take alcohol before going to bed. The first one is the fact that it acts as a sedative which will make you fall asleep faster but will also interfere with your sleep after the effects have wanned off. As a sedative, alcohol will relax the muscles on the back of your throat and make them collapse.
In this manner, the airwaves will be constricted and snoring will begin. In fact, you may have noticed that even people who normally don’t snore may snore when they drink alcohol. This is why alcohol must be avoided if you want to stop snoring and if you want to have a good rest at night.
Learn good sleep habits
It is also important to learn about good sleep habits if you want to stop snoring. Sometimes you snore because due to some of the bad things you do before going to bed. For example, going to bed when you’re too tired or overworked will significantly increase your chances of snoring. Everyone loves to take a nap when feeling powerless. However, if you go to bed tired, you will sleep hard and deep and as such, the muscles on your throat are likely to relax and fall and as usual block the airwaves thus increasing your chances of snoring. Consequently, practice some good sleep habits so that you don’t snore and ruin a good night.
Open the nasal passages
It is important to learn where the snoring starts as this will be effective in helping you put an end to the habit. In most cases, snoring starts from the nose and this simply signifies that the nasal passages may be blocked thus interfering with the free flow of air down your throat. If you notice that your snoring normally starts from the nose, it will be very important for you to consider how to open the nasal passages. In most cases, you may seek the services of a doctor so that if necessary, medical procedures may be performed to ensure that your hair waves are not blocked right from the nose.
Invest in good bedding
Sometimes snoring is due to the fact that you’re using old bedding. If you have an old mattress and old pillows, you’re sleeping composition may be compromised and as such, you may not be able to sleep well and also increase the chance of snoring. Check your mattress and your pillows to ensure that they are in the right shape. If your mattress is old, consider buying a new one Including the right accessories such as a tempurpedic mattress topper so that you have all the comfort to sleep well at night. Most importantly, you must ensure to invest in high-quality pillows that will position your head correctly and avoid your tongue from falling back on the throat to cause snoring.
Ensure you are well hydrated
Staying hydrated is beneficial for various health reasons. Also, hydration is very important in helping you stop snoring, even though most people tend to ignore the importance of drinking a lot of water daily. When you are not hydrated, the secretions present in the nasal passage may become stickier and as such, they may increase your chances of snoring. With good hydration, however, this is not something that will be expected since the secretions will not be any stickier thus reducing your chances of snoring. Therefore, make it a habit of drinking plenty of water as a remedy for snoring.