Over the last ten years, it has become common knowledge that the water delivered to your home may not be as safe as you would like it to be. Water treatment works to remove bacteria by adding chlorine, although it is possible that chlorine can cause health issues in some people. The treatment center also removes debris and adds fluoride, another chemical that potentially has negative effects on health.
Of course, the water travels through miles of pipes after being treated, allowing the possibility of it being contaminated. The solution for many people has been a high-quality reverse osmosis water filter. But, there are many myths and rumors that prevent people from purchasing these water purifying aids.
They Are Wasteful
This is a myth. Reverse osmosis filters use a semi-permeable membrane that needs to be periodically replaced. It does pull minerals from the water and uses part of the water to do this. However, all water filtration systems remove some water and the amount is negligible.
It’s also true that all water filtration systems use filters that need to be replaced.
Reverse osmosis water filters waste no more products than any other system, but you also need to remember the benefits they offer in ensuring you have clean and safe water to drink.
It’s also possible to re-mineralize the water if you’re worried about missing out on the mineral content of water.
Reverse Osmosis Is Expensive
This is another myth. While there is a cost to install the filter into your water line this is no more than any plumbing work at home. It can even be timed to coincide with the water woks you’re having undertaken.
Once installed the maintenance and running costs are negligible. The membrane needs replacing occasionally and you may need to replace the re-mineralizing filter as well. That’s it, a small price for the health benefits offered.
Your Body Attacks Reverse Osmosis Water
This is another myth and a bizarre one. People suggest that the low total dissolved solids in the water will cause harm to your cells and force the body to attack itself. There have been numerous studies into the effects of drinking reverse osmosis water and no side effects have been noted. Your body automatically balances the minerals in your body and extracts excess ones. Drinking reverse osmosis water does not affect this process.
Reverse Osmosis Removes Helpful Minerals
This is actually true, it removes all the minerals from the water. The minerals lost shouldn’t influence your health as you’ll get all the minerals you need from a balanced diet. But, if it’s a concern then you can invest in a re-mineralization filter that will put the good minerals back into the water, giving you the best of both worlds.
The simple fact is that reverse osmosis is one of the safest and most effective ways to ensure you’re drinking clean water. Water can easily be contaminated between the treatment plant and your home, without anyone knowing. Having a water filter fitted ensures your health is protected, regardless of what happens to the water.