Pursuing your creative occupations is often an entrepreneurial gamble. This is why a lot of people prefer to go the practical route, learn a skill that’s saleable in the job market, and find a sustainable source of income so they can pursue their hobbies on the side.
But what if you can actually make money out of your part-time hobby?
Thanks to the internet, it’s becoming easier to market your unique skills. An online platform is oftentimes the only simple step you need to build your own empire online and in real life.
Take these practical tips and learn how to turn your passion into cash.
Teach People about Your Hobby
If you know something that a lot of people don’t and maybe are interested in learning, like a special skill, talent, or field of specialization, you can make money by holding workshops, lessons, or online webinars. There are plenty of amazing online platforms that let you place a tag on your knowledge and package them into courses.
Or you can hold physical classes. Your setup would depend on what lessons you’re going to give.
Find a Job Related to Your Hobby
If you can find a line of work that’s related to your hobby, use it as a vehicle to channel your passion.
For example, if you like designing fictional figures and are good at it, working for a production company may suit you. If you like learning history and talking about it, perhaps a job in the academe is right for you.
List all the possible jobs related to your hobby, and start from there.
Sell Your Own Creations
Do you like forging swords? Creating beautiful handmade crafts? Custom home decors? Don’t let your talent go to waste. Open an online e-commerce store, and start getting paid to do what you love.
Selling stuff online is easy as one, two, three: (a) buy a domain name and hosting, (b) set up your site, (c) launch site, and start earning. Refill inventory as necessary.
Learn more about how to set up your e-commerce store here.
Write an E-book
If you’re not really comfortable teaching people online or in person, try writing an e-book about that thing you’re intimately knowledgeable about. E-books, or electronic books, are viewable via a computer or mobile device and are usually packaged as PDF documents.
There are various platforms you can use to monetize your e-books, including the famous Amazon Kindle, NOOK Press, Lulu, Blurb, Kobo Writing Life, and Smashwords.
Learn about making e-books from start to finish here.
Trade Your Skills
Skill swap is a form of new-age bartering. It’s a fun and excellent platform for people to learn new skills from each other. Whether you’d like to learn Photoshop, programming, or handcrafting, there are skill experts you can connect to, so you can start learning.
Websites like Skill Harbour, Swapaskill, and Skill Exchange are great places to find experts in your local communities. Take note, though, that the form of compensation depends on the type of platform used.
Blog about It
Blogging is perhaps one of the most versatile forms of earning money online in the digital age. It’s so easy to start a blog your hobby. Gardening, 3-D printing, being a DIY enthusiast—no matter how small you think your niche is, a properly run blog will help you reach your audience.
Bloggers earn money in different ways. They either sell their own products, include affiliate links in their content, or run and sell ads.
Vlog about It
Prefer more active audience engagement instead? Take advantage of your camera charm by launching your own vlog channel.
A lot of people are visual learners and prefer watching something actually take place instead of just reading about it. This makes vlogs excellent places to share your talent or skills and to monetize from your growing audience.
For perspective, just remember that the topmost earners of YouTube are a 29-year-old video-game streamer and a seven-year-old toy reviewer.
Take Pictures
Most photographers are more interested in the process of taking a photo than in the prospect of earning money from them. But what if there’s actually money to be had from a hobby you simply enjoy?
Thankfully, photography as a moneymaking venture is now made possible, especially with the advent of the internet. Proven ways to make money as a photographer include freelancing and shooting for special events, teaching photography, starting a photography blog, and selling your photos on stock websites.
Final Word
Being able to pursue what you love doing is rewarding in itself. Actually making money from it is just the cherry on top. If you are confident in your skills, are open to learning, and are willing to take risks, it’s time to let the world know what you can do.