Despite the fact that self-driving vehicles are just around the corner, it seems we’ll be driving our cars for quite some time before we get the keys to the latest wonder on four wheels. With that in mind, it wouldn’t hurt to discuss some interesting driving rules, most of which you haven’t been taught at your driving school.
In case of an emergency
Of course, you have your emergency kit with you, as well as the spare tire and jumper cables. However, do you have your insurance policy in the glove compartment? How about phone numbers of a towing company? Don’t always count on having the internet connection to google the emergency numbers. You know Murphy’s Law works like a charm in such cases.
Time is…safety
It can’t be denied some drivers are always in a hurry. If you’re one of them, quit blaming your boss, your family, traffic jams or your own forgetfulness for being late all the time and speeding more often than you are willing to admit. Constantly being late has nothing to do with these exterior factors. Organize your time, plan ahead and leave earlier than usual (i.e. right on time).
Drivers who are in a hurry are usually very distracted, so their reactions in traffic are (ironically) impeded, which can make a difference between life and death.
Diminish the distractions
They can be multiple and various. First of all, there is an artificial extension of ourselves – our precious cell phone. With messages, videos, photos and calls, it’s hard to leave it in your bag, especially if you’re at the traffic lights. Still, even a partial look is enough to reduce your attention span.
As for the other distractions, an interesting study on driving and multitasking has come up with some curious results. For instance, it seems that mobile phones only came second in the multitasking list. The activity which by far surpasses the runner-up is – eating! As mundane as it is, and not even as original as brushing your teeth (another survey result), do avoid eating in the car. Some simple snacks are acceptable and recommendable, but nothing larger than that.
In addition, remind yourself that you have the full right to ask your passengers to be quiet while you’re driving. In the end, you are the one responsible for everybody’s safety, not them! If an accident happens, no one is going to blame it on the rowdy passengers.
Stay calm
It is challenging for sure, but it has to be done. A clear mind is what you need while you’re on the road. If you let yourself feel annoyed and nervous, this could result in hostile actions towards the other drivers or similar risky behavior. Learn some efficient calming techniques for drivers, and you’ll be much safer.
Watch the weather
Yes, watching the forecast is highly recommended. You know you’re supposed to adjust your speed to the weather conditions, and it helps if you know there’s a storm coming regardless of the sunny morning. Depending on your whereabouts, the weather news can even tempt you to leave your car in the garage and opt for public transport instead (where available, of course).
Think, think
If you enjoy going for a drive, that is excellent. As we have said, it is important to feel satisfied and confident. Nevertheless, you are to be present at all times, and not daydream while your favorite song is on the radio.
GPS is fine, but…
When you’re planning a big trip, you probably rely on a know-it-all GPS. On the other hand, remember the previous rule, and keep your eyes open. GPS is not always up to date or it can lose its signal in certain conditions, so do not enter the street if it says it’s a dead end, despite what the kind voice says.
Sleep tight
The news is filled with stories of drivers falling asleep behind the wheel. This happens when you overestimate yourself and usually when one is just about to get to the destination. Respect your body (and your life, for that matter), and allow it to have enough rest. Even if it means running late (check the time management part again).
To summarize, go once again through our tips, memorize them, and most importantly, start applying them the very next moment. Have a safe trip!