Stains can ruin the look of a beautiful carpet in a matter of seconds. While you can place rugs or even furniture to temporarily cover these up, the stain will still be there when these things are moved. If you’d rather just tackle the stain right away so the color is completely removed, then take a look at the tips below. You might be surprised by what hacks can get those stains out so your carpets can look like new for longer.
1. Iron and Towel
If you have a stain that’s particularly difficult to get rid of or that has been around a while, this may be the technique that works for you. To do it, first vacuum around the stained area to get rid of dirt and other debris lying around. Next, spray a mixture of vinegar and water onto the stain and allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes. From here, you’ll want to plug your iron in and place a towel on top of the stain. Place the hot iron on top of the towel and gently apply heat to absorb the color.
2. Shaving Cream
If you have white, yellow, or beige carpets, then you’ll want to use shaving cream to get dirt out of your carpets easily. To use this, simply spray the shaving cream directly onto the floor and allow it to soak for a couple of minutes. After this, use a sponge to gently wipe the dirt away and lift the stain. Once this is dry, vacuum to eliminate any excess dirt and debris that might be lying around.
3. Absorb and Soak
A fresh stain can be more easily managed if you tackle it right away. Begin by placing a clean cloth or paper towel on the surface so the excess moisture can be lifted. Avoid rubbing or harshly dabbing, as this can push the stain farther into the flooring. From there, spray a stain removal solution on the stain and allow it to sit for several minutes. Rinse with cool water before using a clean cloth to dab extra colors out.
4. Club Soda and Salt
Red wine or even urine can be cleaned up with club soda if you tackle it right away. To begin, gently blot the stain with a clean towel moving from the outside to the inside. After this, sprinkle a small amount of salt over the stain and then pour club soda on top. Allow this to sit for a few hours, then blot once again to soak up moisture. Once the area is dry, you’ll want to vacuum up the salt and enjoy your clean carpet.
5. Baking Soda Solution
For stains that have grease in them, first blot with a towel and then allow to dry. From here, cover the area with 1/4 cup baking soda and gently push into the fibers. Next, mix together 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide, 1 cup hot white distilled vinegar, and 1/2 tsp of dish detergent (liquid) in a small bowl. Drizzle this over the stain, allow to foam up, and then blot with a clean towel before vacuuming.
6. Rubbing Alcohol
When nail polish spills, don’t fret. Simply grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol soak it into a clean cloth. Use this to dab onto the carpet until the nail polish dissolves completely.
7. Steam and Heat
Wax burners and candles can accidentally spill and leave your floors stiff with wax in the fibers. While you might be tempted to cut the wax out, this isn’t the only option. Instead, you can begin by using your blow dryer to put heat on the wax. As it turns back into liquid, soak it up with a clean paper towel or towel. Alternatively, you can use a steamer to liquefy the wax and make it easier to clean up.
Refreshed and Renewed Carpets
Lifting stains out of your carpet isn’t impossible, especially if you do it as soon as the stain happens. However, even if you have older stains, the tips above can help you get rid of them. If you try these but don’t see the results you want, then the experts at recommend calling in a professional. They’ll use expert solutions to get your carpet clean again.