For those of you who are unfamiliar with what rusting actually is, it is the process by which air and water causes iron oxide to appear on the surface of exposed steel or other metals. Unfortunately, if the rusting process is left unchecked it can turn a solid steel beam into little more than orange and brown colored iron oxide powder, also known as rust dust. Any time that salt is added to water and air the iron oxide forms even quicker, which is why steel rusts particularly fast in oceanside towns and cities or in places where icy roads are regularly salted. Thankfully, steel in all of its many forms can be protected from rusting by following nearly a dozen or so tips that we have outlined below.
10 Tactics to Prevent Steel From Rusting
1. Rust Proof Your Garage Door – It is always a wise decision to rust proof all of the steel components on your garage door. You can paint the rust treatment on, you can spray it on using an aerosol can, you can wipe it on, or you can even dip the steel parts into a rust proofing solution. Regardless of which rust proofing method you choose, the process will prolong the life of your steel garage door for many years. In some cases, rust proofing a garage door will allow it to stay rust free for decades.
2. Use Stainless Steel Instead – In case you didn’t already know, stainless steel is far more rust resistant than any other type of steel. The reason it is more rust resistant is that it is forged together with chromium. If you are not familiar with chromium it is a metallic element that when mixed with iron creates a much stronger end product known as stainless steel. Chromium doesn’t rust, rather it turns into chromium oxide when it is exposed to air. Once exposed to air, the chromium oxide layer that forms over the stainless steel seals it and prevents it from coming into contact with moisture and air. This process, in turn, makes it far less prone to rusting.
3. Don’t Crack or Scratch Your Metal – Whether it be steel, aluminum, or any other metal, scratches or cracks can badly compromise the metal which in turn leads to corrosion. When steel garage door parts become scratched, for example, these scratches will attract water that will mix with the surrounding air and immediately cause the area to rust. As any expert will tell you, if you use hot rolled steel rather than cold rolled steel your metal will scratch less and be less susceptible to rust.
4. Bluing Works Great – Bluing is arguably one of the most effective ways of treating steel in order to protect it from rust. Crafted out of sodium hydroxide, potassium nitrate, and warm water, this steel or metal sealant can keep any steel surface rust free to decades. Trying dipping your steel garage door parts in the bluing mixture and then reassembling them once the sealant has dried.
5. Organic Coating is Super Strong – Another one of the toughest steel sealants is referred to as organic coating. This coating is made out of oil-based sealants. You lather the sealant on to your steel garage door parts and then let them dry to form a super strong and rust-resistant surface. Steel exposed to ocean-based salt water can even remain rust free if it is coated with a thick organic coating.
6. Always Clean Your Steel Garage – From the moment that your steel garage door is finished being installed, you should start the cleaning process. At least once every 2 months to get into the habit of quickly assessing your garage door and checking for any dirt build up. If you see some dirt then immediately clean it off, as this will hold water and can cause rust to happen on any metal that the dirt is attached to.
7. Keep water Away From Your Steel – If you have steel components in your garage door then you should absolutely limit the amount of water these parts and pieces come into contact with. Regular exposure to water or condensation is enough to rust out your steel garage door. If your garage door is suddenly exposed to water then be sure to dry it off manually using a hand towel or you can dry it by starting up a space heater. If your home has water leaks such as on the rooftop and water is regularly pouring onto your garage door, then you should fix it immediately. Steeline Garages in Hervey Bay can help to make sure your garage stays rust free.
8. Powder Coat Your Steel Garage Door Parts – If some or all of your garage door parts are made out of steel then you should consider coating them with powder protectant. This powder usually consists of epoxy, acrylic, and other sealant type chemicals. Once applied to steel and high heated these chemicals form a super protective layer around the metal that will not allow any moisture or air to come into contact with it.
9. Steel Wool to The Rescue – If you spot any rust developing on your steel garage door parts or components then be sure to brush it off using steel wool. If you dip steel wool into warm water you can brush off any rust quite easily. A little dish soap and steel or metal conditioner added to the warm water will speed up the cleaning process. Once you are done cleaning the rust off and the steel is dry, then consider applying a rust proofing chemical to the newly cleaned garage door part.
10. Galvanized Steel Lasts Longer – If you are not familiar with galvanized steel, it is steel that possesses a liquid zinc surface and coating. When the liquid zinc in galvanized steel comes into direct contact with the surrounding air, it begins an oxidation process that in turn, coats the steel with a rust and corrosion proof layer. While galvanized steel isn’t quite as rust resilient as stainless steel, it is still very durable. If you cannot build your garage door with stainless steel, then strongly consider building it with galvanized steel instead.