30 Beautiful Flower Images Free To Download. So you’ve taken some gorgeous flower images and want to brighten up your computer with them. A couple of years ago the obvious thing to do would be to install them as screensavers, maybe in a slide show format, so that you could enjoy their bright colors and fine detail whenever you’d been thinking too deeply or dozing off at your keyboard.
Flowers have a wonderful energy that we are all attracted to – bright and positive, warm and loving, it is a universal energy that just makes us feel good. Those of us who are lucky enough to have gardens can take a breather from our busy lives and just step into the garden to restore ourselves – looking at a particularly beautiful flower or a bush bursting with blossom, smelling the fresh scent of growing things can be all we need to give us a second wind at that report to be written on the computer or the energy sapping accounts that must be done by tomorrow.
Now suddenly modern technology means that screen savers are no longer necessary to protect flat screen monitors. In fact they are worse than useless. Installing a screen saver means that, instead of switching off into power saving mode, your computer is kept busy and power-hungry by displaying your slide show of stunning flower images to an inattentive audience.
Beautiful Flower Images